JAKARTA, iNews.id – Social employment economy Class 11 is much sought after by students who are facing exams. The following are examples of questions to study for school exams.

Launching the book 'How to Solve a Win-Win Solution Social EconomicsPurwanti's work, employment is everything related to workers before, during and after the period of employment (RI Law 13 of 2003 concerning Employment).

Class 11 Economics Employment Questions and Answer Key

1. A situation that shows the availability of jobs that are ready to be filled by job seekers. The statement above is the meaning of….

A. Labor Force
B. Job Opportunities
C. Work Ability
D. Working Time
E. Work Program
Answer: B

2. A place that brings together job seekers with parties who need workers is….

A. Employee Market
B. Market for Goods and Services
C. Capital Market
D. Labor Market
E. Traditional Market
Answer: D

1. Labor
2. Population
3. Number of Elderly People
4. Unemployment

Of the four statements above, the statement is related to employment

A. 1, 2, and 3
B.2, and 3
C. 1, 2, and 4
D.3 and 4
E. All correct
Answer: C

4. Someone aged 15-64 years is included in the age group….

A. Labor Force
B. Unemployment
C. Workers
D. Entrepreneur
E. Employees
Answers to class 11 economics employment questions: A

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