JAKARTA, iNews.idProblems example SKB First Expert Apparatus The following can be learned by participants who choose this formation.

Field Competency Selection (SKB) for Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS 2024) based on the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) will be held from 9 to 20 December 2024. In order to be able to answer the questions in the exam later, it is a good idea for participants to practice lots of questions.

For your information, the first expert planner has various duties, authorities and responsibilities. He was assigned to carry out technical tasks for development planning in central and regional agencies.

Therefore, an expert planner must first have the ability to understand public policy, management, planning, monitoring and evaluation of development.

Citing various sources, Thursday (28/11/2024), below, iNews.id will provide an example regarding the SKB First Expert Apparatus.

Example of First Expert Apparatus SKB Question

1. The process of preparing a Regency Regional Spatial Planning (RTRW) includes the following stages, except…

A. As a basic policy for the use of space in the district
B. Preparation for drafting
C. Review of previous District RTRW
D. Collection of data and information
E. Analysis

Answer: A

2. National strategic areas whose spatial planning is prioritized because they have a very important influence, except…

A. State sovereignty
B. National defense and security
C. Economics
D. Socio-cultural and environmental
E. Symbol of the nation

Answer: E

3. Spatial planning is carried out by paying attention to the following matters, except…

A. Physical conditions that are vulnerable to disasters
B. Natural resource potential
C. Economic conditions
D. Regional original income
E. Geostrategy, geopolitics, and geoeconomics

Answer: D

4. The National Regional Spatial Plan is a guideline for preparing…

DA and B are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct

Answer: D

5. The period for implementing the National Regional Spatial Planning is … years.


Answer: C

6. In its implementation, the National Regional Spatial Plan can be reviewed …. within 5 years.

A. 1 time
B. 2 times
C. 3 times
D. 4 times
E. 5 times

Answer: A

7. The degree of public participation, when seen from how much scope the government opens up, is informative, namely…

A. A regional government is at an informative level of participation if the government simply socializes and informs what their plans are in the policy process.
B. The variety and depth of citizen participation is also greatly influenced by how strongly they are given the right to vote to express their ideas and ideas.
C. The depth of public involvement in the policy process really depends on how wide and far the participation space is provided by the regional government and can be accessed by its citizens.
D. This degree of participation is higher than just being informative. This is because local governments have provided space and institutionalized citizen involvement in the policy process.
E. In this space, the presence of public participation is not only well institutionalized but is also able to influence the entire existing policy process.

Answer: A

8. The type of development planning document produced by the RPJPD is…

A. Bappeda prepares a draft RPJPD that refers to the RPJPN.
B. Bapepeda organizes the RPJPD Musrenbang.
C. Bappeda prepares the final draft of the RPJMD based on the results of the Musrenbang.
D. SKPD adapts the SKPD Renstra to the RPJMD.
E. Bappeda prepares the RPJMD plan using the Renstra-SKPD plan and is guided by the RPJPD.

Answer: A

9. Types of development planning documents that produce RPJMD, except…

A. Bapepeda held the RPJPD Musrenbang.
B. Bappeda prepares the final draft of the RPJMD based on the results of the Musrenbang.
C. SKPD adapts the SKPD Renstra to the RPJMD.
D. Bappeda prepares the RPJMD plan using the Renstra-SKPD plan and is guided by the RPJPD.

Answer: E

10. Is a development planning document that produces RKPD, except…
A. Bappeda prepares the initial RKPD plan as an elaboration of the RPJMD and refers to the RKP (National).

B. Bappeda organizes Musrenbang to prepare RKPD.

C. Bappeda prepares the final draft RKPD based on the results of the Musrenbang.

D. SKPD adapts the SKPD Renstra to the RPJMD.

E. Bappeda coordinates the preparation of the RKPD draft using Renja-SKPD.
Answer: D

11. The container which includes land space, sea space and air space, including space within the earth as a unified territory, where humans and other creatures live, carry out activities and sustainably maintain them throughout their lives is called…

A. Space
B. Spatial Pattern
C. Spatial Planning
D. Space Structure
E. Spatial Dynamics

Answer: A

12. The form of spatial structure and spatial pattern is called…

A. Space
B. Spatial Pattern
C. Spatial Planning
D. Space Structure
E. Connection Room

Answer: C

13. The arrangement of organizational centers and network systems of infrastructure and facilities that function to support socio-economic activities of society which hierarchically have functional relationships is called…

A. Space
B. Spatial Pattern
C. Spatial Planning
D. Space Structure
E. Spatial Dynamics

Answer: D

14. The importance of community participation in development planning can be summarized in the following objectives, except…

A. Accelerate the realization of social welfare
B. adjust the Strategic Plan-SKPD with the RPJMD
C. Guarantee openness, accountability and public interest
D. Obtaining community aspirations
E. Creating a sense of ownership of government and responsibility for development

Answer: B

15. The aim of district spatial planning is…

A. As a spatial dimension of regional development
B. As a basis for policy and principle of space utilization in the district area
C. create district regional space that meets development needs while always having an environmental perspective
D. As a tool to observe investments made by the government, society and the private sector
E. A guideline for preparing detailed regional spatial planning plans

Answer: C

16. The following forms of disciplinary sanctions that can be given to ASNs who violate are…

A. Demotion
B. Giving a warning letter
C. Verbal warning
DA and B are correct
E. All answers are correct

Answer: E

17. The following is not an aspect of career development….

A. Standardization of positions
B. Preparation of employee training
C. Preparation of ASN competency profiles
D. Preparation of a competency development plan
E. Talent management and success plans

Answer: B

18. Within the scope of the same position, increasing talent performance through additional duties and functions is called…

A. Position Rotation
B. Position Enrichment
C. Job Counseling
D. Performance Guidance
E. Expansion of Position

Answer: E

19. The following is not an activity to prevent corruption…

E. Assistance

Answer: E

20. ASN evaluation is carried out by an Independent Team consisting of…

B. Regional Government, KemenPANRB, and KPK
C.KPK, ORI, and KemenPANRB
D. KemenPANRB, Judges and Prosecutors
E.KPK, ORI, and Prosecutors

Answer: C

21. Pension Guarantee Benefits can be received by ASN when…

A. After working for at least 10 years
B. After reaching retirement age and fulfilling the work period requirements
C. When you reach the age of 60 years
D. When experiencing permanent disability
E. All answers are correct

Answer: B

22. Dismissal of ASN due to absence without a valid reason within a certain time is dismissal…

A. Temporary
B. With respect
C. With conditions
D. Permanent
E. Disrespect

Answer: E

23. One of the allowances that ASN can receive is the Performance Allowance. This allowance is determined based on…

A. Location of work place
B. Number of family members
C. Length of Service
D. Performance and achievements achieved
E. Education level

Answer: D

24. The following are included in the ASN salary components…

A. Holiday allowance and 13th salary
B. Basic salary and allowances
C. Annual bonus and overtime pay
D. Basic salary and transportation costs
E. Health benefits and costs

Answer: B

25. In the ASN assessment given, one of the criteria used is…

A. Innovation and creativity in work
B. Age and length of service at the agency
C. Just attendance and discipline
D. Social relationships with coworkers
E. All answers are correct

Answer: A

That is a review of the example of the First Expert Apparatus SKB question. Hope it is useful!

Editor: Komaruddin Bagja

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