30 Examples of PAI SD Olympiad Questions, Practice Materials to Become Champions
JAKARTA, iNews.id – Problems example Olympic PIE elementary school is one effective way to prepare students to face competition in the field of religious education.
By practicing through various types of questions, students can not only improve their understanding of Islamic teachings, but also develop critical and analytical thinking skills.
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These questions are designed to cover various important aspects of religious education, from the pillars of faith to daily worship practices.
Here are 20 examples of questions that can be used as practice:
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1. The first pillar of faith is…
A. Prophets
B. Allah
C. Angel
D. Final Day
Answer: B
2. The meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah is…
A. Closing
B. Opening
C. middle
Answer: B
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3. When we pray, we must read the surah…
A. Hanas
B. Al-Ikhlas
C. Al-Fatihah
Answer: C
4. Humans must obey Allah because He is the creator of humans.
A. Familiar
B. Remember
C. Obedient
Answer: C
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5. This day is marked by the blowing of a trumpet by an angel…
A. Gabriel
B. Izrail
C. Israfil
Answer: C
6. Our fast is canceled if…
A. Eat and drink
B. Sleep
C. Talking
Answer: A
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7.Al Jabbar has the meaning…
A. Most Wise
B. Almighty
Answer: B
8.The law of creating the universe for Allah is…
A. Sunnah
B. Mandatory
C. Impossible
Answer: D
9.In Islam, the prohibition on committing shirk means…
A. Assuming there is a god besides Allah
B. Respect parents
C. Pray to Allah
Answer: A
10. One way to get big rewards is to…
A. Distribute summaries
B. Helping others
C. Lazy to study
Answer: B
11. One of the holy books revealed to the Prophet Musa AS is…
A. Gospel
B. Torah
C. Al-Qur'an
Answer: B
12.In Islam, Friday is also called…
A. Holidays
B. Sayyidul Ayyam (Head of the Day)
C. Resurrection Day
Answer: B
13. Zakat fitrah is issued in the month…
A. Ramadan
B. Shawwal
C. Dzulhijjah
Answer: A
14. One of the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was…
A. liar
B. Shidiq (Correct)
C. Betrayal
Answer: B
15. The prayer that is read before eating is…
A. Thank God
B. Bismillah
C. Subhanallah
Answer: B
16.The third pillar of Islam is…
A. Salat
B. Zakat
C. Fasting
Answer: B
17.Who is known as the “Father of the Prophets”?
A. Prophet Ibrahim AS
B. Prophet Muhammad SAW
C. Prophet Musa AS
Answer: A
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