JAKARTA, iNews.id – Impact of use drugs for family these users need to know. Drug use not only has a bad impact on the user, but also has serious consequences for the family and those closest to them.

When a family member is involved in drug protection, family structure and functioning can be significantly disrupted.

The Impact of Drug Use on the User's Family

1. Emotional Impact

Families of drug users often experience severe emotional stress. Other family members also felt feelings of anxiety, fear, disappointment and even anger.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), emotional tension in drug users' families can cause depression and anxiety disorders in other family members, especially if they feel helpless in dealing with these problems.

2. Economic Problems

Consuming drugs costs a lot of money. Therefore, families of drug users often experience financial difficulties because money that should be used for daily needs or family savings is instead spent on buying drugs.

Studies from The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) found that drug addiction often impacts the user's ability to remain economically productive, and this is a major financial burden on families.

3. Damage to Family Relations

Drug use often causes rifts in family relationships. Family members who do not use drugs must face changes in user behavior that are difficult to predict and damage previous harmonious relationships.

Drug abuse is related to conflict in the family, physical violence, and divorce.

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